微改:The Frog and the Ox

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The Frog and the Ox


"Oh, Father," said a little Frog to the big one sitting by the side of a pool, "I have seen such a terrible monster! It was as big as a mountain, with horns on its head, and a long tail, and it had hoofs divided in two."

"No, no," said the old Frog, "that was just an Ox. It isn't so big either; he may be a little bit taller than I, but I can easily become as strong as him, just you see." so, he blew himself out, and blew himself out, and blew himself out. "Was he as big as that?" asked he.

"Oh, much bigger ! " said the young Frog.

So, the old one blew himself out again, and asked the young one if the Ox was as big as that.

"Bigger, father, bigger!"

So, the frog took a deep breath, blew, blew, and blew; swelled, welled, and swelled. And then he said: "I'm sure the Ox is not as big as that." But at this moment he burst.

Dear friends, please remember: self-conceit may be lead to self-destruction!




蛙 和 牛



  老青蛙说:呸,呸,那只是头公牛而已,也没那么大;可能只比我高一丁点儿,我毫不费劲地就能变得一样强壮,你瞧着吧。” 于是老青蛙憋气鼓腹,鼓腹,再鼓腹。问:牛有这么大吗?

  噢,比这大多了! 小青蛙说。



  于是,老青蛙深吸一口气,鼓腹,鼓腹,再鼓腹;膨胀,膨胀,再膨胀。然后说:牛肯定没有这么大吧。” 说话间,老青蛙肚子胀破了。


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