新目标英语七年级下册知识点总结(Unit 12)

❖ 来源:三思英语 ❖ 作者:张童晨 我要纠错 收藏本文 复制链接 0

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?

1,  go+V-ing与do some +V-ing

go+V-ing表示“去从事某种活动”(一般指户外)go shopping/ swimming/ skating/ dancing/ skiing/ climbing/ camping/ hiking……

do some +V-ing 表示“从事某种活动”(一般指室内)do some writing/ washing/ cooking/ cleaning/ reading……

2,  go to the cinema

3,  camp by the lake

4,  study for a test     study for the English test

5,  work as a guide

6,  living habits

7,  stay up late

8,  shout at sb 因生气或愤怒向某人吼叫;

shout to sb 对某人大声叫喊,目的是让人听见

9,  run away

10,fly a kite

11,adj修饰不定代词 adj要放后面   something important,anything interesting

12,take sb to…  带某人去……

13,put up tents

14,make a fire

15,on the first night

16,each other

17,get a terrible surprise

18,finish doing

19,look out of…从……朝外看(window,door……)

look out at sth 向外眺望……

look out for 留神、注意、小心、关心

20,feel/ watch/ see/ hear sb do sth强调整个过程

feel/ watch/ see/ hear sb doing sth强调动作正在进行

21,jump up and down

22,wake up

23,so +adj +that +结果状语从句“如此……以致……”

    eg:I was so busy that I didn’t go to sleep for 3 days.

The weather was so cold that they had to stay at home.

The coat is so expensive that I don’t want to buy it.

so that 引导目的状语从句,以便,为了(in order to)

eg:they got up early so that they could catch the early bus.

        I raise my voice so that I can make myself heard.

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