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that 还是 when
在通常情况下,表示时间的名词后应用关系副词 when 来引导定语从句。但下面一句是例外,你能看出它的特殊性吗?
She says that she’ll never forget the time ________ she’s spent working as a secretary in our company.
A. which                        B. when                          C. how                          D.
【陷阱】容易误选B,机械地认为时间名词后必须用关系副词when,地点名词后用关系副词 where。
【分析】正确答案为A。在时间名词和地点名词后是否用关系副词要看它在定语从句中充当什么句子成分。一般说来,若用作主语或宾语,用关系代词;若用作状语,则用关系副词。上面一题中的动词 spent 缺宾语,故应用关系代词 which或that。比较下面一题,由于空格后的句子不缺少主语或宾语,所以选关系副词when:
She says that she’ll never forget the time ________ she works as a secretary in our company.
A. which                        B. when                            C. how                        D. where
(1) Our company will move to a tall building _______ we bought last month.
A. which                        B. when                            C. how                        D. where
选A,which 在定语从句中用作动词 bought 的宾语。
(2) Our company will move to a tall building _______ has just been complete.
A. which                        B. when                            C. how                        D. where
选A,which 在定语从句中用作主语。
(3) Our company will move to a tall building _______ we worked two years ago.
A. where                        B. when                            C. that                        D. which
选A,where 在定语从句中用作状语。

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