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_________ with the right knowledge can give first aid.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who everwww.34en.com
Whoever says that is lying. 谁那样说,谁就是在说谎。
Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine. 违反本法者应予以罚款。
Whoever comes first can get a ticket free. 谁先来谁就可以免费得到一张票。
以上各例中的 whoever 引导的均为主语从句,它们均可换成 anyone who,但不能换成 anyone。上面的试题从表面上看,与以上各例很相似,其实有本质的不同,即 _________ with the right knowledge 中没有谓语动词,所以我们不能选 whoever。此题的正确答案为C,anyone 为句子主语,with the right knowledge 为修饰 anyone 的定语。请做以下试题:
(1) _________ with a good education can apply for the job.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
(2) _________ has a good education can apply for the job.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
(3) _________ having a good education can apply for the job.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
(4) _________ seen smoking here will be fined.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
(5) _________ is seen smoking here will be fined.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
(6) _________ smoking here will be fined.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
(7) _________ smokes here will be fined.
A. Who                        B. Whoever                        C. Anyone                        D. Who ever
第(1)题选C,介词短语with a good education 为修饰 anyone 的定语;
第(2)题选B,whoever has a good education 为主语从句;
第(3)题选C,现在分词短语having a good education 为修饰 anyone 的定语;
第(4)题选C,过去分词短语seen smoking here 为修饰 anyone 的定语(可视为 anyone who is seen smoking here 之省略);
第(5)题选B,whoever is seen smoking here 为主语从句;
第(6)题选C,现在分词短语smoking here 为修饰anyone 的定语;
第(7)题B,whoever smokes here 为主语从句。

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