用英语说中国西南旅游亮点Unit 1:峨眉山(中英双语)

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Mount Emei


Mount Emei (an elevation of 3 099 metres),located 165 kilometres from Chengdu, capital of Sichucm Province,draws the most attention for its 154-kilometre spread,attracting tourists since ancient times with phenomenal views all the year round.


Mt. Emei is known as one of the four primary shrine mountains of Buddhism in China and the famous national park, situated 7km southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province. The mountain stretches out for 23km from south to north, occupying an area of about 115km2. Viewed from afar, its catchy Da'e and Er'e hills stand side by side in quite a symmetry, long and thin like the delicate eyebrows of a beautiful maid, hence the name, which literally means "the charming eyebrow of a beautiful maid" in Chinese


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