用英语说中国东北旅游亮点Unit 1:镜泊湖 (中英双语)

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ingpo Lake


Jingpo Lake Lying in Ning'an and 110 kilometers from Mudanjiang City, the 95-square-kilometer Jingpo Lake is one of the largest alpine lakes in China, at an altitude of 350 meters above sea level. Embraced by rolling mountain, the lake is famous for beautiful scenery. The Diaoshuilou Waterfalls, located in northern part of the lake,rushes down with a height of 25 meters, forming a spectacular scene.

镜泊湖 位于宁安市, 距牡丹江市110公里,95平方公里镜泊湖 是中国最大的高山湖泊之一,海拔高度为350米。被起伏的山拥抱,湖以风景美丽而闻名。吊水楼瀑布,位于湖泊的北部,落差25米,形成壮观的场景。

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