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subconscious thought is the brain's dumb autopilot - the chump behind repetitive tasks, freudian slips and all the other things we do "without thinking". that was certainly the prevailing view in the 20th century, but the subconscious has lately gone up in the world. it takes centre stage in creativity, puts the "eureka!" into problem-solving, plays a crucial role in learning and memory, and it's even better at making tough decisions than rational analysis is

潜意识思维是大脑的傻瓜式自动控制仪。无数次重复工作之后的本能反应,弗洛伊德口误(无意识的说错话),还有其它不经思考就做的所有事情,这些就是 20世纪人们对潜意识的普遍看法。最近世界上对潜意识又有了新的认识。潜意识被认为是创造力的中心舞台,能够忽然爆发灵感解决问题,在学习和记忆中扮演着重要的角色,它甚至在做艰难决定的时候表现比在理性分析时更出色。

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