American English slangs 美国俚语C

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call in sick 打电话请病假

call the shots 作决定

can manage 有办法

can't be better 最好不过

cant't get away with it 法网难逃

got canned 被炒了

card up in one's sleeve 锦囊妙计

carefee 无忧无虑

carry a tune 唱歌不走调

carry to excess 过分

cast sheep's eye 暗送秋波

castle in Spain 白日做梦

sleepy head 爱睡觉的人

catch one's eye 引起注意

caught with one's pants down

cheer to the echo 大声喝彩

chew out严厉责备

chew rag 论是非

chicken hearted 胆小的人

chicken sandwich 两男一女

chow down 吃

chow 食物

great chow 多好吃的东西

circle the wagons 严阵以待

cleaned out (储备品,钱)用完,(商品)售完

clown around 胡闹

clunker 老爷车/破旧的汽车

cocky/sassy 神气活现

cold day in hell 绝对不可能

come and get it 试一下来拿吧

come off it 少废话,别瞎扯

come to a head 到了紧要关头

come to think of it 想起来了

come up and see me sometime 常来看我


common as an old shoe 不摆架子,平易近人

cook up a story 捏造

cool your lips 冷静下来

country pumpkin 土头头脑

cover someone 掩护某人,用枪瞄准某人

crane one's neck to see 伸长脖子看什么东西

criss-cross 十字形的

crock 破瓦片

crook 骗子

cry wolf 发假警报

cuff someone 给某人上手铐

cumshaw 赏钱

curtain lecture 枕边劝戒,妻子私下对丈夫的训话

cut class 旷课

cut it 能够做某事,成功作做某事

cut out for something 具有某种天赋/是...的料

cynosure of all eyes;traffic stropping beauty 引人注目的美女

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