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The Meaning of Wedding


Ever since ancient times,there has been a saying that the three most delightful moments in one's life come with success in the imperial examination, marriage and the birth of a son. From the Qin (221BC-206BC) to Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties, the feudal system dominated over two thousands years. During this period, the importance of getting married was far more than that a person found his better half. For the male side,it determined the prosperity and even the future fame of their family;while for the female side, it meant that parents lost the chance of seeing their daughter for a long time. Thus to choose an ideal partner was vital for both the individual and the family.

自远古时代起,一直存在一种说法,人生三大幸事莫过于金榜题名,结婚和生子。从秦(公元前221年 - 公元前206年)至清(1644-1911)时期,封建制度统治了两千多年。在此期间,结婚的重要性远不止找到自己的另一半。对于男性而言,它决定了个人和家庭未来的荣辱;而对于女性而言,这意味着父母很长一段时间失去了看自己的女儿的机会。因此,选择一个理想的伴侣对于个人和家庭的都很重要。

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