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The Origin of Chinese Zodiac


In ancient times, our ancestors counted the years with 10 celestial stems and 12 terrestrial branches. Although this was scientific, most people were illiterate and could not memorize or calculate easily. Thus the animals that influenced people's lives were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep,monkey, rooster, dog and pig.


For a long time there has been a special relationship between humans and the 12 zodiacal animals. Humans admired them, took them totems, and in the artistic field,those animal signs were among the features of those themes. This can be reflected in artisans' paper-cut works, New- Year pictures, pottery and bronze wares, especially on the bronze mirrors before the appearance of glass ones, on which elaborate forms showed creativity and passion as well as wishes for a good life.


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