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Styles of Traditional Dragon Boats


Traditional dragon-boats can also be categorized into two types in terms of their roles:the show boat and the race boat. The former is an attractively adorned big boat for demonstration and performances with musical instruments like drums and gongs, and various feat shows to activate the atmosphere in the course of the race. The latter,on the other hand,is a narrow and long canoe decorated only on the bow and stem like the head and tail of a dragon. The race boat can be small,medium or big in size according to the number of paddlers it carries inside. Usually the small race boat is about 4 to 6 meters in length with the capacity of carrying 10 paddlers, the middle one 17 to 23 meters with 20 to 50 paddlers,while the large one can be as long as 30 to 33 meters and carry within it 60 to 100 paddlers. Occasionally there are exceptionally huge race boats with a capacity of 200 paddlers.


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