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fly ash 飞尘
fly bar 飞刀
fly knife 飞刀;迥转刀
fly leaf 书皮底纸;(书箱中)漏印纸页
fly roll 压纸辊
fly wheel 飞轮
flying dutchman 大直径单烘缸,杨克烘缸
flying image scanner 飞像扫描器
flying paster 纸幅机上连续粘接
flying splice 纸幅自动接头
flying spot sorter and scanner 快速光学扫描检选器
foam 泡沫
foam breaker 泡沫消除器,消泡器
foam bonding 泡接着法
foam detoxification 起泡消毒,起泡解毒
foam inhibition 抑泡(作用)
foam inhibitor 抑泡剂
foam killer 消泡剂,消沫剂
foam mark 泡沫痕(纸病)
foam separator 泡沫分离槽
foam spot 气泡痕(纸病)
foam spray 消沫喷淋器
foam suppressor 抑泡剂
foam tank 泡沫槽
foaming 起泡(沫)
foaming agent 起泡剂
fodder yeast 饲料酵母
fogging 雾化
foil 薄片;案板
foil angle 案板角度
foil baffle 案板挡板
foil body 案板本体
fold 折叠
folded 折叠的
folder 文件夹;折叠机
folder glue 折叠胶粘剂
folder gluer 折叠胶粘机
folder stock 湿抄浆板
folding 折叠
folding box 折叠箱
folding boxboard 折叠纸板
folding bristol 折叠厚纸
folding carton 折叠纸盒
folding endurance 耐折度
folding endurance test 耐折实验
folding endurance tester 耐折度测定仪
folding machine 折叠机
folding number 耐折次数
folding paper box 折叠纸箱
folding quality 耐折性能
folding resistance 耐折(性能)
folding satin 缎状折叠装饰
folding stock 折叠纸盒用纸板
folding strength 耐折度
folding test 耐折度测定
folding tester 耐折度测定仪
folding translucent (折叠纸盒用)涂布厚纸
foliage tree 阔叶木
folio 对开纸;英国书写纸尺寸标准
fomout 喷雾器
food wrapper 食品包装纸
foolscap 英国纸张标准规格
foot board (脚)踏板
foot screw 地脚螺丝,基础螺丝
footage 脚踏
footing support for slice 堰板支架
force 力;强制
forced circulation 强制循环
forced draft 强制通风
forced feed 强制喂料
fore side 操作侧,操作面
foreign matter 杂质
foreign substance 杂质
foreman 工长
forest 树木,森林
forest canopy 树尖
forest fire 森林失火
forest genetics 树木遗传学
forest industry 森林工业
forest litter 枝桠材
forest management 森林管理
forest operation 森林作业
forestation 植树造林
fork-lift truck 带有提升器的小车,带叉小车,叉车
fork truck 叉车,带叉电瓶车
form 形状;成形
formability 成形性能
formain 甲醛
formamide 甲酰胺
formaldehyde 甲醛
formaldehyde resin 甲醛树脂
formation 成形;匀度;组织
formation cylinder 成形缸
formation drum 成形缸
formation fabric 成形(合成)网
formation of sheet 纸页组织;纸张匀度;纸页形成
formation meter 匀度测定仪
formation recorder 匀度记录器
formation tester 匀度测定仪
former 成形装置,成形器
formex wire formex (合成纤维)网
form-fab 甲酸
forming 成形
forming box 成形箱
forming drum 成形辊
forming fabric 成形(合成)网
forming length 成形区长度
forming machine 成形机
forming roll 成形辊
forming section 成形区
forming shoe 弧面成形板
forming table 网案
formula 公式;化学式;配方
fortification 公式化;配方
fortification 强化
fortified acid 强化酸
fortified acid storage 强化酸液槽
fortified size 强化松香胶
fossil fuel 化石燃料
foul condensate 污冷凝水
foundation 基础
foundation plate 基础板
foundation stock 涂布原纸
foundation washer 基础板垫圈
fountain roll 浸渍辊
fountain solution 浸液
four drum revolving reel 四轴卷纸机
four-way valve 四通阀
fourdrinier 长网造纸机
fourdrinier board machine 长网纸板机
fourdrinier (paper)machine 长网造纸机
fourdrinier part (长)网部
fourdrinier pit 网坑
fourdrinier pulp machine 长网浆板机
fourdrinier section (长)网部
fourdrinier shake (长)网部振动器
fourdrinier table 网案
fourdrinier tissue machine 长网薄页纸机
fourdrinier wet end 长网造纸机湿部
fourdrinier wire 长网
fourdrinier yankee machine 长网单缸造纸机,杨克式长网造纸机
fourdristairformer 阶梯式长短网成形器(西德dorries制作)
fourth hand 卷取工
fox mark 楔形印
foxed spot 黄斑,黄色尘埃(纸病)
fraction 份数;馏分
fractional digester 分级蒸煮器
fractional digestion 分级蒸煮
fractional distillation 分馏作用
fractional precipitation 分级沉淀
fractional solution 分级溶解液
fractional washing 分段逆洗
fractionating 分级(处理);筛分
fractionating classifier 纤维筛分仪
fractionating laboratory screen 实验室用筛分仪
fracture 裂缝
fracture area 开裂区域
fracture length 裂断长
fracture resistance 抗裂强度
fractured clay 破碎陶土
fragmentation 碎纤维化
fragments of fibe 纤维碎片
frame 机架;框架
frame crane 龙门吊车,桥式起重机
frame end 架端
famework 机架
free acid 游离酸
free alkali 游离碱
free beaten stock 游离状浆料
free beating 游离状打浆
free crosssection 自由截面
free on board 离岸价格
free rosin 游离松香
free rosin size 游离松香胶
free run 空运转
free sheet 不含磨木浆的纸张
free state 游状态,自由态
free stock 游离状浆料
free sulur dioxide 游离二氧化硫
free water 游离水
free working stock 游离状浆料
free working stuff 游离状浆料
freecon freeness tester freecon 游离度连续测定仪
freeness 游离度
freeze drying 冻干,冷冻干燥
freight on board 离岸价格
french chalk 皂石;滑石粉
french roll 单面印刷卷筒纸
french (writing) folio 笔记本用纸
frequency converter 频率转换器
frequency 频率
fresh liquor 新鲜药液
fresh resinuous wood 含树脂新木材
fresh steam 新鲜蒸汽,一次蒸汽
fresh water 清水
freshly cut 新伐的
freshly felled log 新伐材
freudenberg's lignin 铜铵木素,二氧陆圜木素
friable 发脆
friction 磨擦
friction barker 磨擦去皮机
friction calender 双辊磨擦压光机
friction drive 磨擦驱动
friction ractor 磨擦系数
friction glazed 磨擦施光
friction glazed machine 磨擦施光机
friction loss 磨擦损失
friction reel 辊筒式卷纸机
friction winder 辊筒式卷纸机
fringe micelle 缨状胶束
front edge 前端
front side 操作面,操作侧
front wall 前端
frost canker 霜瘤(树病)
frost cleft 霜裂(树病)
frost heart 冻心(材)
frost injury 霜害(材)
frost ring 霜(冻)轮(树病)
frost split 霜裂(树病)
frotation 纤维离解
froth 泡沫
froth board 防溅板
froth killer 消泡剂,消沫剂
froth mark 泡痕(纸病)
froth spot 气泡痕(纸病)
frother 起泡剂
frothing 起泡
frotopulper 变螺距双螺旋纤维离解机
frowy stuff 不洁净的浆料
frozen flow headbox “凝流”式流浆箱,束管稳流网前箱
frozen food carton 冷冻食品纸盒
frozen meat wrapper 冻肉包装纸
frozen wood 霜冻材
fructose 果糖
fruit fiber 果实纤维
fruit wrap(per) 水果包装纸
frush glazing 釉磨光
fuel 燃料
fuel bed 燃料床
fuel cell 燃料电池
fuel oil 燃(料)油;重油,柴油
fugitive color 退色染料
fugitive sizing 假施胶
full artomatic processing 全自动化生产过程
full bleached 全漂
full load 满负荷
full pressure period 高压期;保温期
full size 整张纸张
full stuff 成浆
full tree logging 全树采伐,连根集材
fuller's earth 漂白土,硅藻(漂白)土
fully wormed roll 展毯辊,舒展辊,麻花辊
fumaric acid 延胡索酸
fume 烟雾
fume recovery system 粉尘回收系统,烟道气回收系统
fuming hydrochloric acid 发烟盐酸
function 函数;作用;功能
functional 函数的;功能的
functional coating 特殊涂布
functional group 官能团
fungi (fungus的复数)真菌;霉菌
fungus 真菌,霉菌
fungus proofing 防霉的
fungus resistance 抗霉(菌)性能
furan 呋喃树脂
furfural 糖醛
furfurane 呋喃,氧(杂)茂
furfuryl alcohol 糖醇
furnace 炉子;熔炉
furnace fireman 司炉;碱回收炉工
furnace room 熔炉间;炉子间;燃烧工段
furnish 配料
furnish blanket 上料毯
furnish roll 送料辊
furrow 皱纹(纸病)
fuse 保险丝;熔断器;熔化
fuse valve 易熔(安全)阀;阻泄
fusion 熔化
fusion cake 熔块
fustic (hlorophora tinctoria) 黄颜木
fusty 有恶臭的
fuzz 起毛
fuzzability 起毛程度
fuzziness 起毛
fabric finish paper 布纹装饰
facing paper 覆饰纸
facsimile transmission paper 传真纸
fancy paper 彩色纸
fancy leaf paper 书皮衬里彩色纸
feather edge paper 毛边纸
feather-weight paper 薄纸,轻磅纸
felt paper 油毡纸原纸
fender paper 纤维纸
filled paper 加填料的纸张
filter paper 滤纸
filter paper for oil 滤油纸
filtration papercyulinder 滤纸筒
fine paper 高级纸张
finishing paper 砂纸,研磨纸
firecracker paper 鞭炮用纸
fireproof paper 防火纸
fireworks paper 焰火纸
fish paper 青壳纸
flameproof paper 耐火纸
flame retardant paper 防火纸
flaming paper 燃烧纸
flat paper 平板纸
flint paper 蜡光纸
flint-coated paper 蜡光纸
flint-glazed paper 蜡光纸
flock paper 毛面壁纸
flock dusted paper 植绒纸
flong paper 字型纸
flooring paper 地毯用纸
florist paper 包花纸
florist crepe paper 彩色皱纸
florpost paper 信纸
flour sack paper 面粉袋纸
fluorescent paper 荧光纸
fluting paper 瓦楞纸
fly paper 灭蝇纸
fly leaf paper 环衬纸
fly sheet paper 环衬纸
foil paper 箔纸
foil backing paper 金属衬背纸
foil mounting paper 箔纸原纸
foil raw paper 箔纸原纸
folded paper 折合纸;折合纸板
food wrap paper 食品包装纸
foolscap (paper) 大号书写纸
force sensitizing paper 力感记录纸
foxed paper 霉斑纸
fraud proof paper 防伪造纸
french folio( paper) 稿纸
friction paper 强光泽纸
friction glazed paper 磨光纸
frisket paper 浅黄色外装纸
frosted kraft paper 仿牛皮纸
frozen food paper 冷冻食品包装纸
fruit antiseptic paper 水果防腐纸
fruit tissue paper 水果包装纸
fumigating paper 烟熏法消毒纸
furniture paper 家具包装纸
furniture bogus paper 低级家具包装纸
furniture polishing paper 家具擦拭纸
furniture wrapping paper 家具包装纸
fuse paper 导火线纸
fair process (fair)网部加填法
fermentation process 发酵方法,发酵过程
fluidization process 流态化方法,流态化过程
foam-forming process 泡沫成形法
foam-forming deparation process 起泡分离法,起泡解毒法
fast pulp 不褪色的纸浆
filler pulp 填料用浆
flashed dried pulp 闪击干燥浆
fluffed pulp 絮状纸浆
fodder pulp 饲料浆
free pulp 游离浆
full chemical pulp 全化学浆
floatation saveall 飘浮式纤维回收机
flotation saveall 飘浮式白水回收机
fabric tissue 织物包装用薄纸
facial tissue 软薄纸,搽面纸
florist(s') tissue 花朵包装纸
florist and twisting tissue 扎花皱纹纸
flower tissue 包花用薄纸
fostering tissue 营养薄纸
fruit (wrap) tissue 水果包装纸
fas formamidine sulfinic acid甲脒亚磺酸的缩写
fbb folding box board折叠箱纸板的缩写
fbk fully bleached kraft全漂牛皮纸的缩写
fc flow controller流量控制器的缩写
fid free induction decays自由感应衰减的缩写
fp freezing point冰点;凝固点的缩写

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