用英语说中国华北旅游亮点Unit 3:草原旅游区(中英双语)

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Grassland Tourist Zones


In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ,the area of grassland is 880 000 square kilometers,or accounting for 21.7 per cent of the nation's total,the leading of China's five largest grasslands. From east to west,are scattered grassy marshland, typical grassland, wideness grassland, grassy wildernessd desert as well as hilly grassy marshlands,low wet and grassy marshland, and marshy grassland, distributed randomly anywhere. Major grassland tourist zones include the Hulunbuir,Xilin Gol,Xila Muren, Huiteng Xile and Gegen Tala. From May to September,the lands are covered with green grass and flowers,with big herds of cattle and sheep grazing in the meadows, ribbon-like rivers,pearl-like lakes and yurts resided by the mongolians. They all constituted beautiful and majestic pictures.

在内蒙古自治区,有880 000平方公里草原面积,占全国的21.7%,中国五大草原之首。从东到西是分散的沼泽地,典型的草原,七仙女草地,长满草的沙漠荒野以及丘陵草原湿地,低潮湿和长满草的沼泽地,沼泽草地随机分布。主要的草原旅游区域包括呼伦贝尔、锡林郭勒盟,辉腾锡勒和 格根塔拉草原。从5月至9月,土地覆盖着绿草和鲜花,在草地放牧着大群的牛羊,带状的河流,湖泊和蒙古人居住在蒙古包里。他们都组成了美丽和雄伟的图片。

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