American English slangs 美国俚语M

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made in the the shade 应付自如

make a break to cover 找一个掩护自己的地方

make a parade 随便表示个人意见

make cracks about sb/sth 挖苦某人/某事

make eyes 抛媚眼

make him see gold fish 用橡皮毒打

make it a point 故意 

make it hot for sb 使得某人难受 

make it snappy 提起精神 

make the gorge rise 令人讨厌 

make whoopee 欢呼作乐 

max out累死

mind on'e P's and Q's 小心谨慎 

mind your eye 当心

miser 守财奴 

mish-mash 混杂物、大杂烩

miss the bus 错过机会 

miss the boat 错过机会 /好东西等

mollygrub/molligrubs 精神消沉 

money making proposition 生意经 

money talky 财可以通神

monkey 五百美金

moonlight 兼职

more's the pity 十分遗憾

mouth off 粗鲁地说

my ass 才怪(强烈质疑)

my shoes bite 鞋子小,穿着疼脚

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