英语国家概况复习资料之Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Government and the Commonwealth 

1. Britain is a parliamentary democracy 议会制民主with a constitutional monarchy君主立宪制.The British Constitution is made up of

 ① Statutory law 成文法,制定法(the most important)→ passed by parliament

②Common law 判例法,普通法→  customs or legal precedents

③Conventions 习惯法,衡平法 →not legally exist, but still vital

2.The House of commons(下议院) 三大职能①The most important is drafting new laws. 立法②to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the actions of the government 约束政府③to influence the future government policy影像未来政策

3. The parliament: a two-party system 两党制

4. Three main parties: The Conservative Party保守党, The Labor Party工党, The Liberal Democrats自由民主党. 获得下议院半数以上投票的党派成为执政党

5. The Queen of Britain is considered the head of the Commonwealth. The headquarters are all located in London.英国女王被认为是英联邦的元首(然并卵,只是个代言人而已)。总部都设在伦敦。

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