英语国家概况复习资料之Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 History 

1. 有记录的历史起始于55BC,Julius Caesar(凯撒大帝)and his Roman troops invaded the island. 410年, Germanic(日耳曼人)进攻罗马,结束了罗马的统治

2. Celtic→Spain and France 凯尔特人→西班牙和法国 

  Anglo-Saxon→Germanic Tribes盎格鲁-撒克逊→日耳曼部落

3. Norman Conquest(诺曼征服) of England marked the establishment of feudalism(封建制度)

4. Henry II 建立 rule of the House of Anjou(安茹王朝) in England, 亦称为the House of Plantagenet(金雀花王朝). He improved the courts of justice, introduce the jury system and institutionalized common law.他改进了法院的公正,介绍了陪审制度和制度化的普通法。

5. The Magna Ca (大宪章):英国宪政的基础 the foundation of the British constitutionalism

6. Henry III wages wars. The outraged nobles, led by Simon de Montfort, drafted the Provision of  Oxford(牛津条约) to limit the King’s power by calling regular meetings of 15-member Privy Council(枢密院).由Simon de Montfort率领的贵族,起草提供牛津(牛津条约)通过调用15名枢密院会议限制国王的权力(枢密院) Simon de Montfort facilitated the modern idea of a representative parliament.西蒙•德•蒙特福特促进了现代有代表性的议会。

7.The Wars of the Roses: the House of York( white rose) and the House of Lancaster( red rose)→winner. Henry Tudor became King Henry VII and started the rule of the House of Tudor.约克(白玫瑰)和兰开斯特家族(红玫瑰)→赢家。亨利都铎国王亨利七世,开始了都铎王朝的统治

8. In 1584, King Henry VIII issued the Act of Supremacy 《至尊法案》. In 1651, Cromwell destroyed Charles II’s army, which marked the end of the Civil Wars. In 1660 Parliament decided to restore Charles II to the throne which put an end to the Commonwealth.1584,国王亨利八世颁布《至尊法案》至上的行为。在1651,克伦威尔摧毁了查尔斯二世的军队,这标志着内战结束。在1660届议会决定恢复查尔斯二世的王位,这将结束了英联邦。

9. 在1688,光荣革命(Glorious Revolution)发生。在1689年,议会通过了人权法案( the Bill of Rights)。


11. The British Empire began with the colonization of Newfoundland in 1583. By the end of 19th century, the British Empire included about 1/4 of the global population and the world’s landmass.大英帝国开始与纽芬兰殖民1583。在第十九世纪末,英帝国包括了1 / 4的世界人口和世界的陆地。

12. South African is the fourth self-government dominion of the British Empire after Canada, Australia and New Zealand.南非是继加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰之后的第四个自治领。

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