用英语说中国传统文化:Sima Guang Smashed the Vat司马光砸缸(中英)

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Sima Guang Smashed the Vat


Sima Guang was a Prime Minister and outstanding historian of the North-ern Song Dynasty. He devoted his life to writing the classical chronicle  “Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government"(Zi Zhi Tong Jian).As a young boy,Sima Guang was a diligent student,showing an outstanding intelli-gence. At the age of seven,he once played hide and seek with other children in the garden. One child wanted to hide in a big vat, which was unexpectedly full of water. Barely had he climbed on the edge of the vat, when he slipped into it. Right away he was submerged. The other children were frightened and broke up in a hubbub,whereas Sima Guang remained there.  He found a rock and broke the vat. The water flushed out. Thus the child in the vat was saved. When this story became known extensively,people drew a picture for it,which was spread out in Kaifeng and Luoyang. Till today this story has been known to every household in China.



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