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Accomplishment of TCM


TCAA has achieved a new level in the prevention and treatment of common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which are the most harmful to human health and the most widespread. According to Professor Weng Xinshi, a famous Chinese medical scientist, the 400-odd in -patients with acute myocardial infarction in the hospital where he works were randomly divided into two groups. One group were treated with Western medicine only, and the other group were treated with the combination of the same Western medicine and the “anti-myocardial infarction mixture” developed by the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine according to treating principles of activating blood circulation and supplementing Qi. It proved that the latter group had a lower incidence of complications and a lower death rate than the former group, TCM also has produced benefits in treating angina pectoris and high blood pressure. Scalp acupuncture has drawn international attention as a therapy for treating hemiplegic paralysis.

氯乙酸在预防和治疗普通心脑血管疾病中取得了新的成就,这种病是对人体健康最有害和传播最广的。据中国著名的医学家翁新市教授所说,在他工作的医院患急性心肌梗的400多名病人随机分为两组。一组只用西方药物治疗,另一组采用相同的西药与“抗心肌梗死的混合物”相结合,这是由中国传统医学专科学院发明的,并根据活血益气的原则治疗。 这证明,在后一组并发症的发生率较低和死亡率比前一组低,中医对于治疗心绞痛和高血压也有极大的好处。头上针灸作为一种治疗偏瘫瘫痪的疗法,已经引起国际社会的关注。

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