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The Origin of Daoism


Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi,living at a time of social disorder and great religious skepticism (see article on Confucianism),developed the notion of the Tao (Tao—way, or path) as the origin of all creation and the force- unknowable in its essence but observable in its manifestations—that lies behind the functioning and changes of the natural world. They saw in Tao and nature the basis of a spiritual approach to living. This, they believed, was the answer to the burning issue of the day; what is the basis of a stable, unified, and enduring social order? The order and harmony of nature, they said,was far more stable and enduring than either the power of the state or the civilized institutions constructed by human learning. Healthy human life could flourish only in accord with Tao—nature, simplicity, a free- and-easy approach to life.

老子和庄子,生活在社会秩序混乱和对大宗教怀疑(见文章儒学)时期,道的发展(道——路,或径)作为万物的起源和力 - 在其本质不可知,但可观察到其表现形式,摆在运作和自然界的变化后面。他们把道与自然的灵性融入生活。这一点,他们认为,是解决今天紧急问题的答案;什么是稳定、统一和社会秩序长治久安的基础?他们说,社会秩序与自然和谐,比国家的任何权力或人类的学习构建的文明更持久稳定。人类健康生活只有在符合道——自然的情况下才可能蓬勃发展,这是一种简单、自由且方便的生活态度。


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