American English slangs 美国俚语I

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I get yoy my word 我认真答应你 

I hear ya 我同意 

I'll be darned 我真想不到 

I'll get a round to it 我来应付它 

I'll get them 我会惩罚他们的 

I'll say 我同意,当然 

I'll see to it 我来处理它

if worse comes to worst 到了万不得已的的时候 

if you snooze, you lose 如果你不注意,就错过良机了

in a big way 严重地

in a bind 窘迫 

in a pig's whisper 说话声音低 

in a sweet 心烦

in black and white 立下字据

in heat 愤怒地

in hight(low) spirit 精神愉快,消沉

in luck 幸运 

in no time flat 立即 

in one's back pocket 囊中之物 

in smooth water 进入顺境 

in the best of health 非常健康

in the dog house 陷入困境

in the good old day 幸福的日子 

in the ladidah sort of way

in the lime light 出风光 

in the raw 赤身裸体 

in the throes of death 受痛苦而死 

innocent kid 无辜的人

it is bullet-proof 千真万确

it is in the blood 生来如此

it's long lane that has on turning 欲速则不达

it's a steal 真是便宜

it's in God's hands 听天由命

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