用英语说中国传统文化:Chinese Seals中国印章(中英)

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Seal cutting, though based on Chinese calligraphy, is a comparatively independent traditional art form.


It takes Chinese characters as its form of expression, using carving knives instead of the writing brushes, and stone instead of paper.


Similar to inscriptions on ancient bronze and stone tablets, it can be viewed as a pocket edition of tablet inscription.


The seal has many names in history.


It was called xiyin (literally meaning the imperial or royal seal) during the Warring States Period, the Qin and Han dynasties, and the Wei and Jin periods.


The Ming and the Qing dynasties were universally acknowledged to be the two golden periods in the history of seal cutting,and coincidentally the seal was known as seal cutting then.


And the long period from the Tang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty turned out to be a time when the royal seal was on the wane and seal cutting waiting to be rejuvenated.

唐、宋、元三 代则处于玺印已衰、篆刻未兴的低谷。

The use of the seal also varied.


Clay impression was used before the Sui and Tang dynasties and inkpad or red ink paste has been used since the Tang and the Song dynasties.


Xiyin can be classified into official seals and private seals.


Official seals refer to those of emperors and officials.


The making materials used in ancient times mainly include gold, silver, copper, jade, amber, agate, stone, bamboo and wood.And copper seals constituted an overwhelming majority.


Most of the seals were cast, and some were carved.


“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”,the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games officially unveiled on August 3, 2003, is acombination of the five rings, a Chinese seal character of Beijing and “Beijing 2008” in English.

附:2003年8月3日晚,北京奥组委举行隆重的会徽发布仪式,第29届奥运会会徽终于揭开了神秘的面纱。会徽“中国印•舞动的北京”将中国特色、北京特点 和奥林匹克运动元素巧妙结合以印章作为主体表现形式,将中国传统的印章和书法等艺术形式与运动特征结合起来,经过艺术手法夸张变形,巧妙地幻化成一个向前奔跑、舞动着迎接胜利的运动人形。


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