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Skeptical Mind in Learning


The training of a skeptical mind was considered to be of great importance by ancient educators,so as to avoid one-sided viewpoints and promote students’ capacity for independent thinking. Debate between teachers and students was particular common in academies. Zhu Xi especially stressed the importance of questioning in one's studies. He said that “if something is believable, even it is said by ordinary people, it cannot be changed. If it is doubtful, even if it comes from the lips of scholars and great men,it should be carefully examined and thought over. ” It was this fine tradition of questioning which promoted the development of traditional Chinese educational theories and academic and cultural thought.

持怀疑态度的心态的培养被古代教育家认为是很重要的,从而避免片面的观点和促进学生独立思考的能力。教师与学生之间的辩论,在院校里是特别常见的。朱熹特别强调一个人在学习中质疑精神的重要性。他说:“如果事情是可信的,甚至是普通百姓说的,也无法改变。如果这是值得怀疑的,即使它来自学者和伟人的嘴里,也应仔细检查和考虑。” 正是因为这优良的质疑精神的传统促进了中国传统的教育思想和教育学术文化思想的发展。

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