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Chinese Purple Clay Pottery


Another choice pottery that won great reputation for hundreds of years is purple clay pottery. It is well-known for its mild color, condensed structure, high intensity and fine particles. As early as the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), people found purple clay teapots to look much more graceful than those of other materials. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tea developed as a simple and tasteful art. People who liked drinking tea held firm to the belief that tea in the purple clay pot smelled balmier and could retain the original quality; these teapots transferred heat slower and were more endurable of heat; after long times use, the teapot would not fade but become more lustrous. Modern people still delight in this classic fashion ideal.

另一种赢得几百年巨大的声誉的陶是紫陶。它以其温和的颜色,浓缩的结构,高强度和微粒而闻名。早在宋代(公元960 - 1279),人们发现紫砂壶看起来比其他材料更优美。在明清时期,茶成为一种简单而雅致的艺术。喜欢喝茶的人坚信, 茶在紫砂壶中闻起来更清香并能保持原来的质量;这些茶壶传递热量慢而持久;经过长时间使用,茶壶不但不会褪色,反而会变得更加有光泽。现代的人还沉浸在这个经典的时尚理想的快乐中。

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